What I've Learned from Making Video - A Student Speaks

From "Taking the High Road: Recollections of a Media Literacy Teacher" in Telemedium, The Journal of Media Literacy, Fall, 2002.

"Not only have we learned how to use the equipment, how to work together, and how to create something worthwhile for television, we've learned how to put it all together, too. We've learned how to watch television as well. We're paying more attention now to what we see. We know what to look for, because we have inside information. We're thinking more about what's on television, and making more intelligent decisions about what we want to spend our time watching. Most of all, after doing this kind of work ourselves, we have a lot more respect for what we view, and for the people who do it professionally. We understand what goes into every minute we see on television. Knowing what happens behind the scenes doesn't diminish the magic of television, however; if anything, it increases the wonder of what we see."

— Steve Dast, Advanced Media Class, West High School, Madison, WI