Questions/TIPS (Q/TIPS)

Questions/TIPS (Q/TIPS)

All of CML’s work in developing curricula, professional development and assessments rests on its elemental frameworks for inquiry-based media education: Questions/TIPS (Q/TIPS) and the Empowerment Spiral of Awareness, Analysis, Reflection and Action.

Teaching and learning the 4 C’s advocated by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills – Critical thinking and problem solving, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and innovation – becomes automatic with Q/TIPS. Q/TIPS brings together CML’s Five Key Words, Five Core Concepts and Five Key Questions for Media Literacy for both construction and deconstruction, asking questions from the points of view of both consumers and producers. This metaframe can be applied to all subject areas and integrated throughout the curricula to:

  • Set your students on fire in the classroom.
  • Give them a filtering system for critical thinking and discernment about any media message, anywhere, anytime, anyhow
  • Help them acquire content knowledge on a lifelong basis
  • Significantly impact their health choices and behavior
  • Show them how to represent themselves effectively as active citizens and contributors and
  • Dare we say it? Have a fun way to learn….

With Q/TIPS, teachers can start immediately to bring 21st century skills to their classroom with no delays or complex preparations. A complete explanation of Q/TIPS is contained in the 2nd Edition of Literacy for the 21st Century.  

Q/TIPS is included in the Global OnRamp materials for FREE download.  Available in English HERE

Q/TIPS Translations: 
