Film Study / Movie-making

Empowerment: From Theory to Practice to Activism

In this issue of Connections, we illustrate how theory, practice and activism work together through current research and implementation programs being conducted at the University of Southern California (USC).  We feature a dialogue between Henry Jenkins, a leading media scholar and Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism, and the USC School of Cinematic Arts, and CML’s Director, Tessa Jolls.  Their conversation focuses on David Bordwell’s insightful film theory and how it informs today’s media literacy work.

Media AND Information Literacy Part 1

This issue highlights the close relationship of the fields of media literacy and information literacy. Although media literacy and information literacy are two separate fields of practice and research, the intersections and the overlaps between the fields continue to strengthen and grow as both fields evolve. UNESCO has long encouraged both fields to align and work together through support of its Media and Information Literacy (MIL) program, and has sponsored meetings and declarations, conferences and events that focus on the combined fields.