
Media Triangle

The latest CML Infographic depicts the Media Triangle, which shows our ongoing relationship with media – and today, we serve multiple roles as producers and users of media.
Animated infographic version you can see in our YouTube channel -  Media Triangle. 

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Commit2MediaLit! 2018

In celebration of Global MIL Week and US Media Literacy Week, we are asking people: Why do you Commit2MediaLit?  Thank you to Connecticut Public and TVSB for participating. Hear the voices of  students, educators, and librarians. 

Celebrate Global MIL Week and US Media Literacy Week

Global Media and Information Literacy Week is October 24-31. Bring MIL to your community! See the flyer for ideas and ways to participate.  Visit the newly launched web site for Global MIL, North American chapter.  Find it here

National Media Literacy Week is November 5-9. Celebrations and activities are scheduled around the country.  Find information at to get involved. 

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Did You Know?

The Empowerment Spiral of Awareness, Analysis, Reflection and Action is an evidenced based tool for decision-making.  Use the infographics to spread the word about media literacy. 

Update on Media Literacy Legislation in CA

There were two media literacy bills on the governor's desk in California awaiting signature this week. 

SB830 for media literacy tools and resources for educators was signed on Sept. 17th. Good news!  Read the bill

SB947 calling for an advisory committee to determine Best Practices for Media Literacy was vetoed on Sept. 18th.  We are hopeful Senator Jackson will re-introduce the bill next session as we strongly support the need for Best Practices.  Please voice your support for media literacy education!  Read the proposed bill.  Read the Veto explanation

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You're Invited - Media Literacy Forum at UC Davis Sept. 24

Senator Dodd's legislation calling for media literacy tools and educator resources was just signed by California Governor Jerry Brown.  Senator Dodd is hosting a public forum at UC Davis on September 24 at 6pm to address challenges and opportunities in media literacy education. He and a panel of academics, journalists and scholars will take on topics such as the proliferation of political propaganda on social media, the importance of a free press and charges of “fake news” leveled at mainstream media outlets.  CML's Tessa Jolls will participate on the panel.  The event will also be livestreamed: 
